Ranveer Singh, Juhi Rupal
Samta Research Alliance Private Limited, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, 281001, India.
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
rannu0188@gmail.com (R. Singh)
This research paper presents a comparative analysis of five advanced robotics systems RoboX2000, MechFlex Pro, TechArm Max, AutoBot v7, andNanoDrive R3 in the field of engineering using the COPRAS (COmplex PRoportional ASsessment) method. The study evaluates these alternatives based on four benefit and four non-benefit parameters: load capacity, energy efficiency, cost, and maintenance frequency. The COPRAS method is employed to rank these systems based on their overall performance, considering both quantitative and qualitative factors. The analysis begins with the creation of a normalized decision matrix to compare the robots based on the given parameters. Weightings are assigned equally to each criterion, ensuring an unbiased comparison. The results show that AutoBot v7 ranks first with a QI (Quality Index) of 0.208 and a UI (Utility Index) of 100%, demonstrating optimal performance across all criteria, especially in cost-effectiveness and maintenance frequency. MechFlex Pro follows closely in second place with a QI of 0.207 and UI of 100%, excelling in load capacity but slightly behind in cost efficiency. NanoDrive R3 ranks third, boasting the highest energy efficiency but offset by its higher cost, resulting in a UI of 98%. Conversely, RoboX2000 and TechArm Max rank fourth and fifth, respectively, due to lower performance in specific criteria like cost and maintenance frequency. These findings are further supported by visual representations of the normalized data and rankings, highlighting the comparative strengths and weaknesses of each robotic system. Overall, this research provides valuable insights for decision-makers in the engineering field by identifying the most suitable robotic solutions based on multi-criteria evaluation. The COPRAS method proves to be a robust tool for comparing advanced technologies, ensuring optimal selection based on diverse performance indicators.
Significance of the Study:
The study provides valuable insights for decision-makers in engineering by identifying the most suitable robotic solutions based on multi-criteria evaluation. The COPRAS method proves to be a robust tool for comparing advanced technologies, ensuring optimal selection based on diverse performance indicators.
Summary of the Study:
This research paper evaluates five advanced robotics systems—RoboX2000, MechFlex Pro, TechArm Max, AutoBot v7, and NanoDrive R3—using the COPRAS method. The study assesses these systems based on load capacity, energy efficiency, cost, and maintenance frequency. AutoBot v7 ranks first, demonstrating optimal performance, especially in cost-effectiveness and maintenance frequency.