S. Firdous, G. F. A. Malik, N. Parveen, F. A. Khanday, I. K. Pandey
1Department of Chemistry, Singhania University, Rajasthan, India
2Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Technology, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India
3Department of Electronics, Islamia College of Science and Commerce, Jammu and Kashmir, India
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
gfarozam@gmail.com (G. F. A. Malik)
This study investigates the effects of substituting La₂NiMnO₆ (LNMO) with Strontium (Sr) and Europium (Eu) dopants at the A-site, focusing on changes in material properties. Utilizing Density Functional Theory (DFT) with Local Density Approximation and Hubbard U Correction (LDA + U), we analyze the significant impact of these dopants on LNMO’s optical, magnetic, electrical, and spintronic properties. Sr and Eu doping modifies the electronic structure of LNMO, enhancing its dielectric properties, which is crucial for applications requiring a high dielectric constant. The improved optical conductivity of doped LNMO makes it more efficient in light absorption and photoconductivity, beneficial for optoelectronic devices. Doping also enhances the magnetic properties of LNMO, advantageous for spintronics where spin control is essential. These dual improvements in electrical and magnetic properties suggest that Sr and Eu-doped LNMO are highly effective for energy storage technologies. Additionally, the mechanical properties of doped LNMO show improved resilience and stability, key indicators for the durability and longevity of devices. This comprehensive analysis highlights the potential of Sr and Eu-doped LNMO for advancements in spintronics, optoelectronics, and energy storage. The findings provide valuable insights into tuning material properties through doping, paving the way for synthesizing new multifunctional materials. This study not only enhances our understanding of the impact of dopants in double perovskites but also expands possibilities for innovative applications in high-tech fields, offering the potential for creating versatile materials and future innovations.

Significance of the study:
This study investigates the impact of Strontium (Sr) and Europium (Eu) doping on La₂NiMnO₆ (LNMO), revealing significant enhancements in dielectric, optical, magnetic, and mechanical properties. These improvements suggest that Sr and Eu-doped LNMO could advance applications in spintronics, optoelectronics, and energy storage, offering new possibilities for multifunctional material design.
Summary of the study:
The research uses Density Functional Theory (DFT) and LDA + U to analyze Sr and Eu-doped La₂NiMnO₆ (LNMO). The study finds that doping with Sr and Eu enhances the dielectric constant, optical conductivity, and magnetic properties of LNMO. These improvements make the doped material suitable for applications in energy storage, optoelectronics, and spintronics, highlighting its potential for technological advancements in these fields.